
Colin Christmas 2006Hi I’m Colin the Dad in the family. I’m a Christian currently attending Kings Church in Southampton. I’m also a husband to a beautiful woman, father of three wonderful boys and a teacher of Science and ICT. I have taught in Newcastle, Mahalapye in Botswana and spent 19 years at The Romsey School in Hampshire . I left Romsey and worked for close to 4 years as a secondary ICT consultant for the National Strategies through Hampshire Advisory and Inspection Service (HIAS) before working for Southampton and Hampshire Education ICT units (QEST and EdICT). Currently I work full time for EdICT as a Learning Platforms consultant helping bring e-Learning into Hampshire schools mainly through Hampshire Wizkid. My new role has a rather long-winded title of Senior ICT Consultant (Curriculum Solutions).

My hobbies include computers, particularly RISC OS which despite lagging behind in some ways still has the IMHO the most intuitive slick GUI around. I like to program in BASIC, Flash ActionScript, PHP and Java. I used to play basketball and go walking, canoeing and camping but the sport has taken a back seat as I’ve got older. I’ve completed an MSc in CBL/T at the Southampton University (started at the LSU which folded). Newcastle Utd might notice I support them but I doubt it. I still play a little classical guitar. I have dabbled in painting using oils and palette knives. What do you think of my first oil painting?

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