Second Chance Earrings

Second Chance Earrings

Second Chance Earrings

Do you know about the origins of rubber? These earrings are recycled from used bicycle inner tubes. Rubber was the first resource exploited in Congo during the Victorian era and it has been exploited and robbed ever since. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is potentially one of the richest countries in the world and yet it ranks as the poorest based on its GDP per capita from 2009-2013 average earnings are USD 394.25 a year!

If you buy a pair of these earrings the profit will go directly to a number of projects in Goma in Eastern DRC. These include building Hope School for 250 orphans and children conceived from rape and a tailoring school plus micro-finance projects to empower as well as heal traumatised and stigmatised women. Find out more at:

OneHeart – Hope in Goma

Kathy can make earrings to order just supply your requirements. If you want to buy earrings, find out more or would like to be involved in praying for Congo or even help make earrings do contact Kathy McQueen via the contact form.

Price for earrings are minimum £5 per pair plus P&P but please consider making a larger donation.

Your giving will make a real difference